Best Children’s Day Speech Essay for Teachers & Students: 🙂
Children’s Day is an event celebrated on various days in many places around the world. International Children’s Day is celebrated on June 1 and Universal Children’s Day is on November 20.Other countries celebrate a local ‘children’s day’ on other dates.
14th Nov. is celebrated all over India every year as Children’s Day in loving memory of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of our country. He was a true friend of children. He profoundly loved them and kept them dear to his heart. Therefore children called him ‘Chacha Nehru’.
His great love for roses as well as children is a well-known fact. In fact he often compared the two, saying that children were like the buds in a garden. They should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they were the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. He felt that children are the real strength of a country and the very foundation of society. Most importantly he did not discriminate between the sexes and believed in giving equal opportunities to girls and boys. In fact his own little girl grew up to be the third Prime Minister of India.
Quite naturally, he was the ‘beloved’ of all the children who gave him the endearing name of ‘Chacha Nehru’. As a tribute to this great man and his genuine love for children, his birthday is celebrated all over India as ‘UNIVERSAL CHILDREN’S DAY’. A day of fun and fanfare. It is not only a national holiday, but is celebrated with singing, dancing and storytelling in schools and colleges as well as on radio and television. Special functions are held to honour children all over the country.
In the Indian context ‘Chacha’ stands next to one’s father and symbolises traits of affection, love and concern. Despite his hectic life as Prime Minister, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru found time to be with children. It is said that if anything Nehru liked most in his life, it is the time he spent with little children.
Therefore, as a tribute to this lover of children the nation started the custom of celebrating his birth anniversary I as Children’s Day, soon after his death in 1964. The nation could pay no better tribute to our immortal leader for whom children were ‘God incarnate’ and ‘divinity in flesh’.
The celebration of Children’s day teaches us several important values. It is a call to protect our little ones from all harm and to save them from the negative impact of modernisation, urbanisation, industrialisation, commercialisation and gross materialism.
Today children are thrown open to evils of drug, sex, alcohol, hard labour, abuse and violence. Thousands of little children in our country are made to slog for long hours, for little pay. Hundreds are yet to see the light of modern education. Therefore, it is a call to put an end to various forms of child abuse that are taking place in our land. Such a day reminds us of the inestimable worth of those little angels.
They are the valuable asset of our nation, the future of our land, and the hope of tomorrow. The day also invites us to acquire the fine qualities that characterise children such as, simplicity, purity of heart and mind, innocence a sense of affection and attachment, etc.
Final Words for Speech on Children’s Day:
But amidst all this pomp and glory, we should not lose sight of Chacha Nehru’s real message. That is providing our children with a safe and loving environment in which to grow as well as giving them ample and equal opportunities through which they can take great strides and contribute to the progress of the nation. This day serves as a reminder to each and every one of us, to renew our commitment to the welfare of children and teach them to live by their Chacha Nehru’s standards and example.
Children constitute the greatest asset of a nation. A nation prospers or progresses to the extent it is able to develop the hidden potential lying untapped in her children. In a country like India, where children constitute a good percentage of the population, we need to give much more attention to their all-round development. A day like Children’s Day is a right step in this direction. The day invites all of us to give children their due-love, affection and opportunities for development.
Best Children’s Day Speech & Essay in English Pdf Download Chacha Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru India
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Originally posted 2014-11-08 05:39:53.
taht was so nyc
so nice