International Women’s Day is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made and the call for change and speed up the courageous efforts of ordinary women and their reproductive exceptional roles in the making of the history of their countries and communities.
Many countries around the world, International Women’s Day occupies. It is the day recognized the achievements of women without considering any of the other divisions, such as national, ethnic, language, culture and economic environment or political. This emerged today with the emergence of the labor movement’s activities in the early twentieth century in North America and parts of the European continent.
Since those early years, the International Women’s Day, the new world of women in developing and developed countries beyond both. The day helped the international movement for women’s growth – boosted by which four UN conferences in regards to women’s issues – in making this celebration a chance to build support for women’s rights and to support their participation in the political and economic fields.
International Women’s Day Theme 2016
Pledge For Parity
The subject of the celebration of International Women ‘s Day for 2016 is “preparing for gender equality to Tnasf planet by 2030”.
Comes the idea of this topic to accelerate the work schedule of 2030 , and build momentum for the implementation of global targets – especially Goal 5 Special gender equality and Objective 4 Special ensuring quality education and equitable and comprehensive Ba- effective implementation. It will focus on the topic as well as the new commitments under the initiative of the Step It Up Initiative ( ” they have prepared”) of the United Nations for women, and other existing obligations in relation to gender equality and women ‘s empowerment and women ‘s human rights.
The main objectives of Agenda 2030 in this context are:
Ensure that enjoy all girls and boys, girls and boys to teach primary and secondary free and fair and good, leading to the achievement of appropriate and effective educational outcomes by 2030
Ensure that all girls and boys access to a good quality of development and early childhood care and pre-primary education so as to be ready for primary education by 2030
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against women and girls everywhere
Elimination of all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including human trafficking, sexual exploitation and other forms of exploitation
The elimination of all harmful practices, child marriage, early marriage and forced marriage such as, female genital mutilation (FGM)
Women’s Day Theme 2016
Over the years, it strengthened the United Nations technical agencies and the participation of women as equal partners to men in achieving sustainable development, peace and security and respect for human rights are fully respected. It remains the empowerment of women at the heart of United Nations efforts to address the political, economic and social challenges in all parts of the world.
Why do we celebrate Women’s Day
1909 National Day celebration of women in the United States on February 28. Socialist Party of America and was appointed this day to celebrate Women reminder strike workers garment industry in New York, where the women pretended to condemn the working conditions.
1910 Socialist International meeting in Copenhagen , a decision regarded as Women ‘s Day day of an international character, is intended to honor the movement to allow the human rights of women and to build support for the right of women to vote. That suggestion was well received by a large conference which was attended by more than 100 women from 17 countries, including three women were elected to the Finnish parliament. However not designated a specific day for the occasion.
1911 was the consequences of the Copenhagen initiative is celebrating International Women ‘s Day on March 19 / March in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, where more than one million men and women in those celebrations. In addition, my right to vote and hold public office, demanded that the celebrations of women’s right to work and the right to vocational training and the elimination of discrimination against them in relation to the functions.
1913-1914 became the International Women ‘s Day a mechanism to demonstrate against the First World War. Russian women came to celebrate the first International Women’s Day At the last day of a month of February At the framework of the peace movement. Anzmt many women in Europe in the March 8 / March in the following year for that to demonstrations condemning the war and express solidarity with the activists.
1917 because of the war conditions, the Russian women went out in a demonstration gone on strike under the slogan “for the news and Peace” on the last day of the month of February (the day agreed on March 8 / March in the Gregorian calendar). Four days later, the Tsar and the granting of a waiver interim government, women have the right to vote.
1975 during the International Women ‘s Year, the United Nations proceeded to the celebration of International Women ‘s Day on March 8 / March.
1995 focused Declaration and the Beijing Platform for Action – a map of historic road and signed by 189 governments – on 12 important area, and presented a vision to the world of women and girls have the right to exercise choices, such as political participation and access to education and earn incomes and live in a world free of violence and discrimination society.
2014 focused the 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW58) – an annual meeting of States to consider the relevant gender equality and women ‘s rights – the “challenges and achievements in the implementation of the MDGs in relation to women and girls important issues.” And offered to non-governmental organizations and United Nations entities approved of the progress made and challenges remaining to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. It was for those goals that will stimulate attention and resources for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Gender equality
The United Nations Charter – which took place in 1945 – the first international convention affirms the principle of equality between men and women. Since then, the United Nations helped to frame the historical legacy of public plans, standards, programs and internationally agreed targets for improving the status of women in all parts of the world.
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Originally posted 2016-03-01 17:59:41.