Earth Day Facts -” When & What is earth day ?”2015

Hello buddies,  Special wishes on Earth day. Let us all feel responsible on this day to save this mother planet. Lets celebrate this auspicious day. come lets move forward.

Earth Day Facts When & What is earth day 2015

Earth Day Facts -” When & What is earth day ?”2015


 22nd of April

When is Earth Day?

Earth Day is celebrated every year on the 22nd of April. In 1970, a senator from Wisconsin, USA, Gaylord Nelson first conceived of this day. The senator was worried about the rate of industrialisation and the careless attitude of everyone towards our environment. It was envisaged to promote the idea of ecology, to encourage respect for life on Earth, and highlight growing concerns about different kinds of pollution. Over 20 million Americans participated in events to mark the first Earth Day and it turned out to be so contagious that today, over a billion people from all over the globe celebrate Earth Day.

Why April 22 is celebrated as Earth Day

Do you know why April 22 is celebrated as Earth Day?

why we celebrate Earth Day? It’s because we seem to have forgotten what a beautiful gift we have been given in the form of planet Earth. We also seem to have forgotten that this is our home and we need to keep it in order to stay healthy and alive.
this April 22 Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations.Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues.

It is the the largest secular holiday in the world, celebrated by more than a billion people every year according to Denis Hayes.

What is Earth Day for us in 2015?

It’s our turn to lead in this year 2015. Earth Day’s 45th anniversary will be the most exciting year in environmental history. Let’s make 2015 the year when our world leaders pay attention and answer the call of nature. In this special year you’ll need to make low-carbon transportation choices on Earth Day and Every Day.
Clean your community on Earth Day
Go Electric
Use People Power
Take Public Transit
Clean Your Drive
Choose Tele-Options

Earth Day Facts:

The idea came to Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Inspired by the student anti-war movement, he realized that if he could infuse that energy with an emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution, it would force environmental protection onto the national political agenda. Senator Nelson announced the idea for a “national teach-in on the environment” to the national media; persuaded Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded Republican Congressman, to serve as his co-chair; and recruited Denis Hayes as national coordinator. Hayes built a national staff of 85 to promote events across the land.

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Originally posted 2015-04-15 20:01:22.

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