Quotes Support & Views of Single Parent Child (Kids Stress)

Quotes for single parent child


Quotes for Single Parent Child

Kids with single parents can get more financial aid.
We share responsibility. It’s important to have a good spouse; that’s where I sympathize with single parents.
Every child senses, with all the horse sense that’s in him, that any parent is angry inside when children misbehave and they dread more the anger that is rarely or never expressed openly, wondering how awful it might be
All children alarm their parents, if only because you are forever expecting to encounter yourself.

Children, obey your parents in the Lord; for this is right
My father holds me, a young sailor embracing his little girl, his little girl who thinks of him as her hero, her hero who can do not wrong.

The young sailor is unaware of the woman she is to become, unaware of the pain he is to cause to his future family, his family lifestyle he doesn’t want. He is unbeknownst that she will grow up and discover that he isn’t the hero as she once thought him to be.

Having the wilted flowers tucked away in a drawer from unnoticed beauty, she’ll discover how she wasn’t wanted in the first place and how though out her life, throughout all her mistakes, was only spared because of the woman holding the camera. She’ll become aware of how he will mistreat this woman, her best friend, and will see the real coward he is when, instead of taking life’s waves like the man he claims, he will leave his little girl, his little girl who idolized him so, as the head of this family, the lifestyle he never wanted.

By Morgan

Support for Single Parent Child from Mom or Dad

Schedule meals, chores, and bedtimes at regular times so that your children know what to expect each day. A routine will help them feel more secure.

Divorced or separated parents should work together to discipline their children the same way. Check your local library for books on parenting. Local hospitals, the YMCA, and church groups often sponsor parenting classes. Learning good ways to handle your children’s behavior will reduce stress for all of you.
Though being a single parent can get lonely, try not to treat your children like substitutes for a partner. Try not to rely on them for comfort or sympathy.

Be aware that your children will always be affected by your mood and attitude. They will need your praise and your love through hard times. It’s okay to be honest about your feelings of sadness and loss, but let them know better times lie ahead for all of you.

This is a difficult time for you, too. Exercise regularly, eat healthy, and get enough rest so you can better deal with stress. Visit your own doctor on a regular basis.
Good child care is essential for your children’s well-being and your peace of mind. Finding quality child care may be one of the most difficult tasks you will face.

Views of Single Parent Child 

What does your kid thinking about your separation?

“I bet dad is really sorry he missed my eighth-grade graduation.”

“I bed mom is going to miss seeing all the great things that are going to happen in our lives.”

“I currently reside with my grandparents. I have lived with them since I was nine. My mom and dad have both divorced three times. I went through the first divorce and my mom’s second divorce. My grandparents sheltered me from the other divorces.”
Eighteen-year-old boy
“Dad left so suddenly that if I don’t take care of Mom, she might leave me too.”
Eight-year-old boy

“I think I felt I had to be strong for my mom and my little sister. I had to be strong to help them through it . . . even though I was only five at the time.”

“In one day I could be a college student, my mother’s therapist, my dad’s escort, and my brother’s mother. Small wonder I was a little ditzy that year.”
Nineteen-year-old woman
“I hate it when my mom asks me how she looks. I don’t like being put in that situation. I wish my dad were here to do it.”
Fifteen-year-old boy

“My mom doesn’t think she’s a good cook. I don’t want her to feel bad. So I tell her it’s good, just like Daddy used to do.”
Eight-year-old boy

“I always check the liquor cabinet in the morning after they’ve been fighting. I measure it.”
Eight-year-old girl

“I hate my mom’s boyfriend but I don’t tell her. After all, she’ll be alone someday when I’m gone, so I pretend I like him.”
Thirteen-year-old girl

Quotes Support & Views of Single Parent Child (Kids Stress)

Originally posted 2015-06-11 19:26:01.

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