Lincoln’s Birthday / Lincoln’s Day US #Washington’s Birthday FEB 12

Here are details about Lincoln’s Birthday / Lincoln’s Day US #Washington’s Birthday FEB 12. Some states observe the day as part of Presidents’ Day, which is officially known as Washington’s Birthday.

lincolns-birthday-lincolns-day-us-washingtons-birthday-feb-12Lincoln’s Day US:

Lincoln’s Birthday is a public holiday in following states:
New Jersey.
New Mexico.
New York.
West Virginia.

Lincoln’s Birthday 2017, also known as Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, Abraham Lincoln Day or Lincoln Day, is a federal holiday that is observed, yearly, on February 12 in the states of Illinois, Connecticut, Missouri and New York. Lincoln’s Birthday 2017 is a day that celebrates the birthday of Abraham Lincoln and serves as a day to honour as the nation’s 16th president who known as the Great Emancipator.

Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, on February 12 in 1809. He lived for a time in Indiana before moving to Illinois. He worked on a farm, split rails for fences, worked in a store, was a captain in the Black Hawk War, and worked as a lawyer.Lincoln began his political career at the age of 23 in 1832 when he ran an unsuccessful campaign for the Illinois General Assembly, as a Whig Party member. He joined the newly formed Republican Party in 1854 and was nationally recognized during the 1858 debates with Stephen Douglas despite Douglas’ win in the race for US Senator.Lincoln was known as the Great Emancipator, the Rail Splitter and Honest Abe. He was the president throughout the American Civil War and is known for his struggle to preserve the Union and the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation. John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre in Washington DC on Good Friday, April 14, 1865.Several states honor presidents with official state holidays that do not fall on the third Monday of February. In New Mexico.

Lincoln’s Day US -Presidents Day:

Presidents’ Day, at least as a state-government paid holiday, is observed on the Friday following Thanksgiving. In Georgia, Presidents’ Day, at least as a state-government paid holiday, is observed on Christmas Eve (Observed on the prior Thursday if Christmas falls on Saturday; observed on the prior Friday if Christmas falls on a Sunday. If December 24 is a Wednesday, then this holiday is observed on Friday December 26.

Originally posted 2017-02-01 12:46:36.

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